Whelp... turns out that people actually read eccentric
emails ... AND RESPOND (click here to read the first one I sent). Well, let's just ride this gravy train and see
where it takes us... Oh, and there are some Ol'
Greg references in there too... because... what else am I supposed to do with all my useless knowledge?
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ummmm... YES. why do we need to wait for the Zombie Apocalypse to start using chainsaws? Sigh... i LOVE this game |
From: Greg R**** <g******@doublefine.com>
to me, Double, Double

Haha, we totally agree! THE WORLD NEEDS MORE FULL THROTTLE!! Glad you dig it man.

From: William McDonald
to Greg, Double, Double
Dearest Gregory,
Or is it Sir Gregory? It probably is... because you probably ARE that classy. I wouldnt DARE to try to guess what EXACTLY you have done to impress the queen-o'-the-Brits so much that she would KNIGHT you... but I lied: I AM going to guess. Was it your James Bond style "world-rescue" escapades? Perhaps the sheer number of minions you have under your sway? Or even your ability to drink Baileys from a boot? You know what? Never-mind... I dont want MI6 to put a hit out on me because I have inadvertently uncovered Her Majesty's top Bailey's-Boot-drinking, minion wielding, Mo-Fo. Obviously: I digress.
Purpose of this email? I suppose it is time for good ol-fashioned brainstorming. What is it going to take to uncork a can of Full Throttle on the world (again)? Let me break it down for you.
First: you might be wondering why you would have to uncork a can... and my response? You are breaking the rules of brainstorming "all ideas are good ideas here"... especially mine (unless you are going to send some minions to break my legs for my "attitude problem"... in which case: your ideas are probably great too).
But here's what I'm thinking: a parade. a HUGE parade. I hear SF loves its parades... which is perfect... because our REAL goal would be a RIOT... which every city, ever, apparently loves. A riot with an alarming amount of motorcycles doing wheelies. I'm thinking: "critical mass" meets "Giants won the world series". Bonus: We'll probably even get free TV's out of all the looting taking place!
You see, once the population discovers how awesome motorcycles are (via our wheelie-riot) they will DEMAND for a video game to help capture the sheer awesome-ness-ism that they are feeling. A small percentage of population might even explode due to over-exposure to awesome. History books will write stories of the awesploded people who ignited the fuse of this legendary video game. Fear not... we will most likely be rewarded handsomely for our endeavors (or do jail time). You will probably get knighted again and become a DOUBLE Sir Gregory. Small detail: I will probably need to borrow a large portion of your minions to pull this off.
You may also want to let your PR department in on this brainstorming session. I'm not really sure if they have explored some of my "progressive" riot-style marketing techniques... and my plan IS pretty rubber bullet proof (HA! did you see what I did there?!?! a play on words!!!)... but given the right direction... they might be able to run with some of our ideas. Also, riots are going to be a great way for them to Publicly Relate with all the future customers and get free TV's. Plus, they'll get to ride motorcycles! Win Win Win!
Anyways, Let me know when we need to start rallying minions/motorcycles/mapping out the stores we need to loot!
Emperor McDonald (I recently got a promotion)