important going-ons in the world today:
1) New CNN news survey says that more than 1/2 of the worlds workers are unhappy with their jobs
2) William has stopped trying to glean any new information from a place that tries to teach him that people dont like work. let's hope they didnt dump too much money into THAT poll
3) Google has branded my blog as "sexy". Obviously this is the most interesting one. let me start at the beginning...
In the beginning... stuff happened
THEN... Not too long ago, in an attempt to become ridiculously wealthy so i could spend money on things like chimpanzees in tuxedos, I shamelessly added advertisements to my blog. you may have noticed them and their exceptionally poor quality, as I have. but more importantly, you have hopefully put aside these petty qualms about "which ad is best" and just started clicking on them and making me some loot.
Anyways: I was looking at the blog (with all those ads you should click on), and I saw one of the ads read simply: "". No detailed explanation, no fancy logo trying to entice my feeble nerd eyeballs to clicking on whatever. Simply a white banner saying "".
Like any normal human who is going through human style denial, I laughed at this. Of course, I laughed in that kind of: "my robot dance moves aren't impressing the crowds on the dance floor anymore... so i have to laugh with everyone and pawn it off as 'me trying to be funny'". but, naturally, that only applies for someone who has crappy robot dance moves and obviously not me. My bodatious robot moves are no longer in use because of too many love stricken gals, and too many jealous guys. (if you thought about how unlikely that statement is, here is an interesting fact for you: club/wedding/Disoteca dance research says that people who have those feelings generally fall into one of those categories... sorry: i dont make these things up... often).
the all powerful google advertisement department did it's all powerful google thing on my blog, and the only thing that the almighty cooperation (which I can almost guarantee DIDNT click on my ads) could really come up with was NERD. That's it. we are talking about GOOGLE. the people who have Osama Bin-Laden's last known location on google maps. The same ones who have harnessed the great beast of the inter-web: and brought it to it's knees, while simultaneously showing us their incompetence as they came up with a crappy phone that everyone almost immediately forgot about (now THAT is cooperate dexterity). These same people only came up with "Will's blog is the personification of NERD"
This probably tells me one of two things
1) I had something good to put here, but i forgot all about it... and i'm too lazy right now to come up with something else. So just laugh a little and then move on to number 2
2) My blog may, in fact, be nerdy. I know this may come as a shock to some who think the blog is too cool for school (which is true... it graduated from "too cool for school" school... which means it's a dropout... which would help explain some of the denial issues... and the terrible use of run-on sentences). but the more i thought about it, the less i felt the need to follow through with my diabolical plan of destroying GOOGLE (which involves a combination of smoke bombs, ninja stars, paul walker's bad acting, and a tennis racket). I realized that: Nerd is the new sexy. let me explain
Exhibit A) Sara Connor.
You just TRY and tell me that it's NOT sexy when she starts talking "killer robots" to you. yeah... calm your storms and take a cold shower. i'll give you time to regain composure.
Exhibit 2) Calculon.
Think of James Bond, minus the Timothy Dalton movies. This will give you a brief insight to the fem-bot seducing Calculon. If this gold-like metal man of pure suave doesnt inspire you to go out and "twist some bolts", i dont know WHAT would. (disclaimer: i have no idea what "twist some bolts" means... i just figured that the quotation marks would make it risque/applicable)
Think of James Bond, minus the Timothy Dalton movies. This will give you a brief insight to the fem-bot seducing Calculon. If this gold-like metal man of pure suave doesnt inspire you to go out and "twist some bolts", i dont know WHAT would. (disclaimer: i have no idea what "twist some bolts" means... i just figured that the quotation marks would make it risque/applicable)
Exhibit D)
so: thank you, GOOGLE for making me feel a bit more comfortable with my sexy blog.
Full Disclosure note: i have made approximately 0.004 dollars from ads so far. but dont worry: with my godlike wealth i plan on doing something which will benefit everyone, and buy ALL the tea in China... that's right... you heard me.
COMEDIC SIDE NOTE: I checked again and the ads are actually now "learn more about NERD GIRLS". Google is playing dirty now....