I’m Quitting video games. Yep: i'm really doing it. I’ve been clean for 15 days so far. And now my real battle will be trying to tell my dealer (my roommate who keeps coming home with awesome video games), that I’m out for good. Mario will have to rescue the princess on his OWN time.
The reason? it's like a Lent thing. but this time, the torture is going to last forever, and i cant blame it on: "everyone else is trying to be a good person, so i GUESS i will try to be one as well.". I just came to the conclusion that I could probably be even MORE awesome at something if I didn’t play video games… like impressing the pretty ladies with “battlestar galactica” quotes. Just kidding! I bet you thought I was SERIOUS! Everyone knows that pretty ladies like star wars more than battlestar galactica.
Oh, and I suppose that the whole “TV melting my brain” has got something to do with my reasoning as well…
Things to expect from this new and reformed (awesome) Will
· He'll probably become a concert pianist. Or the best little-plastic-recorder-clarinet-thing EVER!!! He may even win a gold medal in recorder playing. Oh: They’ll MAKE that an event.
· There is a high likelihood that he’ll start up a militant hippy-ist group. (the world needs more radically contradictive groups)
· With all his spare time, he’ll now be able to do the same thing we do EVERY night, Pinky… TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!
· Sunburns on Will's previously protected white skin... oh, so many sunburns.
· expect a Will who still WANTS to swear like a sailor, but is going to be less practiced at it. you have no idea how infuriating it is to get shot in your virtual head 32,094 times by an 8 year old from Canada.
· a much more educated Will who will read all sorts of literature, such as Milton's "Paradise Lost", Dante's "Inferno", and Watterson's "Calvin and Hobbes"
· a Will who doesnt understand silly things like "the way of the samurai" because he wont be playing Bushido Blade 2 anymore. But DOES understand AWESOME things like Kung-Fu from all the Bruce Lee movies he will be watching!!! Back-flip-twist-kick, here I come.
· more of that coveted "hospital/ER" time due to his interest in kung-fu
· a Will who will probably stop talking in the 3rd person... probably
· a Will who wont drool so much when he talks to pretty ladies... (dont worry though... it was a sexy drool)
· a Will who will be able to think of more things to put on a list like this... (and figure out how to not use so many "to"s in sentences like that... because it's kinda a mystery to me). perhaps this Will who has everything figured out, and knows how to stop using "to"s, will also understand how to write blogs in the non-list format.
The only downside (other than the video game withdraws), is that i have this "nerd" competition with one of my friends. This issue is going to put a major hit on my nerd points. i used to be KILLING her in nerd ranking, and this takes away about 33.333 (repeating, of course) percent of my nerd prowess. you may laugh now, but there is STAUNCH competition. I'm talking about things like: she knows how to speak in one of the fictional Star Wars alien languages... yeah THAT nerdy. one of the next questions you may be asking is "how is it that you are AHEAD of her in rankings?!?!?!" and i, of course, am going to plead the 5th. But can assure you that it’s true.
so: I am hanging up the controller, so to speak... which is a good thing though. I have always wanted to become a better Star Wars nerd. Bout time for a marathon, RIGHT!?!?!?! Now that i have all this spare time, i'll do a marathon of star wars marathons! muwhahahaha... I see the nerd competition taking a drastic turn in my favor.
My next blog may be about me giving up TV in general…